Comprised of four main areas of focus, the following Strategic Priorities guide our school’s work over the coming years and serve as our roadmap for positive, adaptive change.

What is the logical evolution of Turning Point’s unique identity? How do we use our differentiating features to tell the Turning Point story?


Since our identity anchors us and serves as our central guidepost for every decision we make at Turning Point, articulating a clear identity is at the heart of Turning Point’s future. We will define what makes our school unique, distinctive, and distinguished. At the center of this work is our mission statement, which will concisely capture and powerfully convey who we are as a school community.


  1. New mission statement that defines what is unique about our community
  2. No longer the “best kept secret” in West Los Angeles
  3. Strong alignment of pedagogical and curricular choices vis-à-vis our mission
  4. Community members can clearly articulate our mission and purpose
  5. Turning Point is considered a “thought leader” school in the conversation about the value of a P-8 education, locally and nationally.

How can we refine and articulate our outstanding, innovative academic program to align with our mission and identity?


Turning Point is committed to an outstanding academic program featuring innovative teaching and learning, deeper understanding of content, and the development of students’ critical thinking and analytical abilities. We set a high bar of learning and ensure each child has support to meet our rigorous expectations.

To prepare students for the future we must educate them for a rapidly changing world, and therefore, consider the long-term effects of globalization, the impact of biological and digital revolutions, and the benefits of establishing lifelong learning as a strategy for success.

We want to further develop curricula to be thematic, process based, personalized, and intentionally sequenced. We will ensure that teachers have the tools and technology necessary to implement the school’s mission and to offer students dynamic opportunities to create and apply knowledge.


  1. Curricular innovations that foreground diverse and inclusive perspectives, multidisciplinary approaches, technological innovations, and critical thinking and analysis
  2. Aligned, dynamic curricula from Preschool to Grade 8
  3. Continued professional development and evaluation program for faculty and staff, focusing on excellence
  4. Elevation of Turning Point’s reputation as an excellent school among all stakeholders: prospective parents, local community, high schools, prospective teachers, and the broader community
  5. Enhancement of Turning Point’s reputation among Los Angeles high schools by demonstrating and communicating academic capability among multiple dimensions: intellect, citizenship, empathy, self-reliance, leadership
  6. Students demonstrate knowledge in multiple ways: they can problem solve, articulate their strengths and challenges, make reasoned choices, think critically, empathize with others, and understand their capacity to make a difference in the world

How might we further support and promote our values and priorities through financial and operational sustainability?


Turning Point is redefining excellence through attracting, supporting, and retaining outstanding faculty, staff and administrators; delivering an exceptional program; providing competitive tuition assistance; and maintaining and upgrading its facilities. To achieve these goals, we must maintain sound business practices, wise management and oversight of our financial resources; make continual improvements to our infrastructure; and drive enrollment to meet the expectations of the operating budget.

Creating a more inclusive financial assistance program will improve access for all students. We will further maximize fundraising potential and attain higher outcomes. Finally, we will leverage existing facilities and optimize staffing to advance the successful growth of the school.


  1. Fully-enrolled preschool and Kindergarten each year; enhanced enrollment in sixth grade; reduced attrition in Grades 6 and 7
  2. Competitive faculty, staff, and administrative salaries
  3. Continuing the conversation in the community around strategic philanthropy and our endowment
  4. Exploring new sources of support, including corporate and foundation backing
  5. Enhanced fundraising to increase annual giving amounts and ensure full participation in our Annual Fund by all constituents
  6. Executing fundraising campaigns to support special projects and initiatives
  7. Continued excellent stewardship of Turning Point’s investment portfolio

How do we continue to foster a highly inclusive, engaged community?


Relationships are at the heart of a vibrant, thriving school community; they create the bonds that maximize student learning.

A diverse and inclusive environment improves learning outcomes for all students. We will focus on equity and inclusion in our hiring and enrollment practices and in leadership and governance composition. In addition, we will support and maintain greater ethnic and socio-economic diversity in both staffing and admissions to ensure that our community reflects the broader demographics of Los Angeles.

Strong parent partnerships allow students to be supported collaboratively at home and school and invite parents to become natural ambassadors of our mission. Alumni relationships keep former students and families connected to Turning Point. Good relationships with our neighbors create a solid reputation and thriving network among the members of our community. Strategic and collegial relationships with our partner schools, both locally and nationally, heighten the school’s reputation and position us as a leader in the field of P-8 education.

Improving and expanding our modes of communication connects new families with Turning Point and informs current and former families about our transformative teaching and learning.


  1. Increased socio-economic diversity within our community and support for underrepresented families
  2. More outreach to and involvement of alumni in the life of the school
  3. Expanded participation of families in community-wide events, reflective of the diversity of our community
  4. Increased community partnerships with neighboring businesses and residents
  5. Enhanced capability of faculty and staff to address and navigate issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity
  6. Strong engagement with Turning Point parents, from onboarding to graduation

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